> IELTS Relationships Vocabulary – Useful Phrases for Common Topics in IELTS Speaking | VERTEX ENGLISH
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Have you ever found it difficult to talk about relationships such as love, friendship, family? In today’s post, I would like to share with you some phrases and expressions, which could make it easier for you to deal with the Relationship topic both in a real life situation and in a test environment. At the very beginning, I want to provide you with some collocations to describe the positive and negative effects of relationshipAdvantages of being in a relationshipTo share laughter and happiness togetherExample: At the weekend I prefer spending time with my family, so we can share a laugh and be happy togetherTo have a person who is there for you whenever you needExample: Being in a relationship means you have a person who always is there for you when you are in trouble. Disadvantages of being in a relationship to have less time for other social relationships example: When you are in a relationship, you will have less time for other social relationships there is also a wide range of  useful phrases to talk about relationships (Love, Friendship, Family):Friendship :1. To get to know: begin to know someone example: I have known Mary since I was a little boy, and we have been best friends until now.
2. To get on well with: to understand someone and enjoy similar interestsExample: My girlfriend and I get on well with each other because we try to understand each other’s interests.3. To hit it off (with someone): to quickly become good friends withExample: As a sociable person, Peter can easily hit it off with Sara.4. To go back years: to have known someone for a long time5. To strike up a relationship: to begin a friendshipExample: Mia and I struck up a relationship since we were high school students and until now we still keep in touch.6. To enjoy someone’s company: to like spending time with someoneExample: we are best friends, and we always enjoy each other’s company7. A healthy relationship: A good, positive relationshipExample: Tom and Mia have a healthy relationship, and they always help each other out of trouble.8. To have a lot in common: to share similar interestsExample: we became best friends since we were ten because we had a lot in common.9. To have ups and downs: to have good and bad timesExample: All relationships have ups and downs, but some people prefer to break up rather than work it out.10. To keep in touch with: to keep in contact withExample: Although we have not seen each other in person for a long time, we still keep in touch.11. To lose touch with: to not see or hear from someone any longerExample: My high school friends make a promise to try to not lose touch with each other.12.  To drift apart: to become less close to someoneExample: I really appreciate our friendship so I hope that I will never drift apart from her.13. to fall out with: to have a disagreement and stop being friendsExample: Having a lot of arguments for ages, we fell out with each other14. to work at a relationship: to try to maintain a positive relationship with someoneExample:  All relationships have their ups and downs. The point is that we should work at the relationship rather than give up on it15. to cement a friendship: to make a relationship strongerExample: I always set aside time at the weekend to come over to visit my best friend to cement our relationship.
Love :1. To break up: to end a romantic relationshipExample: She decided to break up with her boyfriend because they didn’t have a lot in common2. To fall for: to fall in love3. fall head over heels in love: really love somebody4. To be in relationship: to be romantically involved with someoneExample: He was not married, but he was in a stable relationship.5. To love at first sight: to fall in love immediately you meet someoneFamily :1. To see eye to eye: to agree on a subjectExample: My parents see eye to eye on many aspects of their lives, so they barely find themselves in conflict.2. To start a family: To conceive or have a first child.Example: After tying the knot for 2 years, we made up our mind to start a family.3. To tie the knot: get married (= get hitched)4. Blood is thicker than water: family relationships come before any other relationship/priority.Example: When anyone in the family gets into a problem, other members will help out because blood is thicker than water after all.5. A close-knit family: a family get on well, support each other & see each other a lotExample: Family is the most important thing in the whole world and we ought to prioritize to make it a happy and a close-knit family.6. Flesh and blood: people who are part of your immediate familyExample: While she is not my flesh and blood, she is really like my sister7. Pop the question: propose marriageExample: They’re well matched in their interests, yet he hasn’t popped the question because both of them are not ready to settle down and have children.Also check :IELTS SpeakingIELTS Speaking tipsIELTS VocabularyLinking words for IELTS SpeakingIELTS Speaking recent actual testIELTS Vocabulary booksIELTS GrammarIELTS Listening VocabularySports Vocabulary IELTSEnglish Pronunciation in use Intermediate pdfWork Vocabulary IELTSIdioms for IELTS SpeakingPracticeIELTS Speaking Part 1 :Friendship Topic :Do you see your friends very often?You: Well, I used to hang out with my friends at least twice a weekbecause we enjoyed each other’s company & had a lot in common to talk about, but I am in last year of university now, so I am very busy with my study. For that reason, I don’t often have the chance to spend quality time with my friends any more.Do you like to spend time with friends?Yes absolutely. Usually, I spend much time with my friends. When we get together we have fun and learn to understand each other’s personalities.Do you usually have conflicts with your friends?Conflict is inevitable in every relationship. But I always try to maintain a healthy relationship to avoid drifting apart from my friendsDo you have a best friend?I have a few best friends. Our friendships go back years to when we were still young. Although they are by no means my flesh & blood, they are like sisters to me who always help me out in every matter.How would you describe a “good relationship”?I would say that all relationships have ups & downs but if you are on good terms with your friends, you can get over it & keep in touch with each other, and always try to work at the relationship to make it a long-lasting friendship.Do you ever help a friend by giving advice?Family1. Do you live with your family?Yes, I live in an extended family with my grandparents, parents & my younger brother.2. How are you getting on with your parents?I have to say that I’m the apple of my parent’s eyes. They always take care of me and give me helpful advice whenever I get into trouble.3. Do you prefer to spend time with your family or with your friends?On one hand, I always try to keep in touch & work at the relationship with my friends who I care for. On the other hand, I spend as much quality family time as I can to maintain our close knit family tradition.4. Is family very important for you?Of course, family is my first priority. They are my flesh and blood and always there to support me5. If you were married, how many children would you choose to have?If I decide to tie the knot and settle down, I will start a family when my husband & I see eye to eye on how many children we choose to have. For me, I prefer to have one daughter & son so I can raise them without being afraid of economic pressure.IELTS Speaking Part 2 :Describe a person you are very close to. You should say:who this person iswhen you met themwhere you met themand say what it is about them you like so much.Sample Answer :Well, I would like to talk about my soulmate Jess, who used to be my classmate in high school. She was one of the most impressive friends of mine and a really talented person.I can say that our friendship goes back years when we were little kids. Being a gregarious girl, she was the person who started our very first conversation and then we stroke up our relationship and quickly hit it off with each other. I have to admit that I really enjoy Jess’s company because we can share a lot of things with each other have had a lot in common, which makes us can talk all day long.For me, Jess is one of the most wonderful girls on earth. I feel that Van was really diligent. I still remember she was always the first to come and the last to leave our class though she was a grade-A student in the class. I was encouraged as well. She often told me that genius comes from one percent of inspiration and ninety-nine per cent of perspiration, and I really admire and appreciate her diligence and responsibility.  What amazed me more was that she was so versatile. In addition to being an excellent student, she was also talented and good in other fields. For example, she was proficient in English and Japanese; she excels in playing the piano, and more surprisingly, she was even good at calligraphy. How impressive that was!I’m constantly amazed by her open-mindedness – she’s never judgmental. I wish I could be like that. But she’s very reliable – if I call her or give her a message, she always responds. We’ve always got on well and we hardly ever fall out with each other.Personally, she was the one I always wanted to be, and she set a good example for me to follow.All in all, those are the reasons why when I read the question that you gave me, Jess is the first person that came to my mind.IELTS Speaking Part 3 :Question 1: Do you think marriage is still as important as ever?From my perspective, marriage is always a turning point for anybody. In my country, when a couple falls heads over heels in love with each other, they will tie the knot to show their commitment and to demonstrate that they are ready to start a family and go through ups and downs with each other.Question 2: Is it important to keep in contact with our friends when we’re in a relationship?Sure … it’s so easy to drift apart from your friends when you fall in love. But we always need to have friends’ companies so try to keep in touch with them by spending weekends to hang out, writing some letters for them each month or giving them small gifts to cement the relationship.
IELTS Speaking Part 1 in 2018 – Topic : Film/Movie with Band 9 Sample & AudioPosted: 16 Nov 2020 04:00 PM PST1. Do you like to watch films?Absolutely! They are an excellent way to unwind (relax; free your mind). Moreover, my friends are really into films, so it’s a fun, relaxing way to spend time together. Afterwards, we discuss and debate the film that we have just watched. Apart from just relaxing and enjoying the film, I like to delve deeper (get to the deeper meaning) to discover the subliminal messages.IELTS Speaking Actual tests September – December 2020 with suggested answers-Ebook$18 $37Written by professional IELTS teachers to help candidates on the big day4.5 ratingBuy Now2. What kinds of movies do you like best?Well, I would say I’m still a kid at heart (a person who still feels like a child in their heart), so I really enjoy watching kids’ movies. Although they seem simple and innocent, there are often many life lessons packed into these films. Moreover, I’m really into drama and historical movies. When I watch these, I feel that I can deeply understand human emotions and re-live historical moments, like the Vietnam-America War or World War II.3. Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?Since my country doesn’t have a huge film industry, I’ve always been really into American films. Not to knock (to insult; discredit) other film industries, but American ones are incredibly entertaining and well-made; the evolution of film continues to amaze me. Moreover, I only watch films in English so it helps me to learn new slang and expressions.4. How often do you watch films?Well, I am quite a busy bee (a busy person), but I manage to see one or two films a week at home. After a long day of studying, I love snuggling up (getting comfortable with blankets) on the sofa and watching a film to unwind. I tend to do this on Friday and Sunday evenings with my friends.5. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?Not too often actually. As the prices in my country are quite high, I usually opt to (choose) watch a movie at home instead to save on costs. Actually, I think it’s kind of a waste of money to see a movie at a cinema when you can watch it from the comfort of your living room. I only go when a friend invites me, which is maybe 4 times a year.6. Do people in your country like to go to a cinema to watch a film?I would say so. Since people like to go out with their families on the weekends, this is often an activity that they would choose. Moreover, teenagers enjoy this activity as a way to get out of the house. Furthermore, it’s often a popular date option for many people!7. What was the first film that you watched?Hmm, it’s hard to say the first, but I think it was the Lion King. I know it first came out in the early ’90s when I was a child. It was my absolute favourite- I used to watch it repeatedly until my parents were really tired of it! I even built “pride rock” out of rocks that I found when we would go to visit my relatives who have a garden.8. Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?Both! On one hand, I find it extremely relaxing to chill out and fall asleep to a film by myself, but it’s also enjoyable to have company. So, all in all, I prefer films with friends, since they are also into movies. Afterwards, we can discuss the meaning and carry on inside jokes (jokes among friends) from quotes from the film later on!9. Would you like to be in a movie?Not one bit! As I have stage fright (fear of being on stage), I would never have the guts (never be brave enough to)  to do it. Secondly, I feel awkward when I try to act and I have the memory of a goldfish (short memory) so I know I could never memorize my lines! All in all, acting is simply not my thing.Also check:IELTS Speaking preparation tipsIELTS Speaking Part 1IELTS Speaking Part 1 TopicsLinking words for IELTS SpeakingIELTS Speaking recent actual testSports Vocabulary IELTSWork Vocabulary IELTSIdioms for IELTS Speaking
IELTS Holiday Vocabulary : Useful Phrases & Expressions in IELTS SpeakingPosted: 16 Nov 2020 04:00 PM PSTThe topic given is Holiday and the vocabulary that must be included in this topic is provided in this article. This vocabulary will help the test taker explain the topic with more clarity and explanation. When you get these kinds of topics in the IELTS exam you can talk more about your experience, that you have got in the holidays. You can make use of the vocabulary given while speaking about these kinds of topics.To continue my series of vocabulary for common topics in the IELTS Speaking test, I would like to share some collocations of Holiday topic to you. Since the holiday is one of the most frequent topics in the IELTS speaking test, it is necessary to know a number of uncommon words in terms of holiday topic, which can help you to achieve a higher band in the IELTS speaking test.You will probably be asked to talk about the topic of Holiday in IELTS Speaking. Hence, you need to prepare for this. One way you can do that is by learning some useful collocations & phrases to sound more natural.You can find these collocations & expressions below & make the most out of them to stand apart from the crowd and get the IELTS Band score you need for the Speaking test.I hope you will enjoy studying, and it is guaranteed that learning this vocabulary below can help you find it easy to talk about your holiday with your friends as well as examiners. Positive Effects of HolidayTo get away from it all : get away from work and studiesExample: Travelling can be regarded as a recreational activity, which could allow travelers to get away from it allIELTS Speaking Actual tests September – December 2020 with suggested answers-Ebook$18 $37Written by professional IELTS teachers to help candidates on the big day4.5 ratingBuy NowSpend quality time with family and friendsExample: Going on a holiday is a time when family can be together and spend quality time with each other.Negative Effects of HolidayImpair the local environment destroy the local environmentExample: Many tourists throw rubbish into the water, which can significantly impair the local environmentCost an arm and a leg : cost a lot of moneyExample: Travelling overseas will cost people an arm and a leg.Also check : IELTS VocabularyIELTS Speaking preparation tipsLinking words for IELTS SpeakingIELTS Speaking recent actual testBest IELTS Vocabulary booksGrammar for IELTSIELTS Listening wordsSports Vocabulary IELTSEnglish Pronunciation in use Intermediate pdfWork Vocabulary IELTSIdioms for IELTS SpeakingUseful Collocations & Phrases for IELTS Speaking Test – Topic : Holiday1. Holiday of a lifetime : a special holiday that you are unlikely to repeatExample: My trip to Ha Long Bay last week is the holiday of a lifetime in which I had a lot of memorable memories with my family.2.  All – in package/ package holiday : a holiday where you purchase the travel and accommodation togetherExample: I do not prefer packaged holidays because when it comes to traveling, I have always wanted to explore a new place by myself.3. Guided tour : an organized group shown around a place of interest by an expertExample: It is suggested that signing up for a guided tour could help traveler to avoid tourist traps.4. Holiday destination : where you go for a holidayExample: Ha Long Bay is a famous holiday destination in Vietnam, where welcome a million of traveler a year.5. A far-off destination : somewhere a long way awayExample: These days traveling to a far-off destination is really common activity, which attract attention from many young travelers.6. Places of interest : sites of interest to touristsExample: When going to a new place, the first thing I will do is to travel to some places of interest and try local food.7. To go sightseeing : to look around the tourist sitesExample: I like to go sightseeing at the weekend with my friends in the countryside areas.8. Breathtaking view : an extremely beautiful viewExample: One thing that I really love about my previous trip is that I could experience many breathtaking view.9. Hordes of tourists : crowds of touristsExample: On holiday season, a tour guide get very busy with hordes of tourists.10. Local crafts : objects produced locallyExample: The shop sell a various types of local crafts with a wide range of prices.11. Charter – flight : a cheaper form of flying than a scheduled flightExample: I usually choose to travel by charter – flight, then I could save a lot of money in term of travelling cost.12. Check – in desk : the place  at the airport where you register for your flight and deposit your luggageExample: Check – in desk is the first place that you have to go to when you want to get on the plane.PracticeIELTS Speaking Part 1 :What kind of holiday do you like ?Whenever I go on a holiday with my family, I usually choose to sign up for a guided tour, which will have us to avoid tourist traps. Also, by doing that we will have an opportunity to experience a professional tour in which I can learn a lot about the new place.What do you like to do when you’re on holidays ?I prefer going sightseeing with my family around the place where I travel to, then I could take some photographs, which allow me to keep memorable memories.  Not to mention that, one of my favorite activity is go around and try some local food.IELTS Speaking Part 2 :Describe a holiday you recently had ?Where you went?How you got there?what you did there?and explain if you enjoyed it?Band 8.0 Sample Answer :Last week, I had two days off, so my family decided to go on a picnic in a park, which is not a very popular holiday destination & quite near my house. It took us about 30 minutes to get there. Since we did not prefer package holiday, we chose to explore the place by ourselves, which would be flexible for us to travel.We got up at 6 am, and started to go there by car. When we were on the way travelling to there, we saw hordes of tourists along the road, which made me feel really excited. After 30-minute drive, eventually my family and I arrived in 6.30 am. Then my sister and I began to prepare the food and drink, while my parents set up the tent. After finishing preparation stage, me and my older sister went sightseeing around the park, and it is interesting that although the park is not a famous destination, there are breathtaking views that I barely could experience in the city areas. When we got hungry, we ate sandwiches that we prepared at home.On the sun was about to go down, We gathered around the fire and grilled the beefs and potatoes for the dinner, then we sang a song. At that moment I  did not think of any thing and my mind went blank, I felt like I can get away from it all. Then we had the chance to talk with each other, spend our quality time to share laugh and happiness together, and relax in the middle of stunning landscape.For me, It is a holiday of life time &  a once-in-a-lifetime experience which I gave me a lot of precious memories with my family that I will never forget.IELTS Speaking Part 3 :What do you think has led to the growth in the tourist industry ?In my opinion, affordable price of tour is the most important sector which lead to a development in tourist industry. Indeed, at the present using  all – in packages to travel to some famous destination is the common way, which do not cost much money, then it is very easy for everyone to pay for a trip.What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday ?Firstly, It could give us a wonderful chance to unwind or chill out after tiring days at work. For example, we could go to a far – off destination and stay for few day, then we can stop thinking about hard work and get some rest. The second benefit is by going on holiday, we can spend our quality time with family, which is really precious in the modern world because almost the time we have to work or study, then we have less time to be with our family.
11 Phrasal Verbs to Boost Your Speaking Score to Band 8 or Higher (Part 2)Posted: 16 Nov 2020 04:00 PM PSTHave you enjoyed the previous lesson about 10 Useful Phrasal Verbs to push your IELTS speaking score? Today’s post will help you hike up your IELTS Speaking score with another 11 commonly used phrasal verbs in the oral English so that you can make use of in the IELTS Speaking test.1. Work out: calculate
Example: I need to work out whether I can afford to study abroad.2. Catch up: to try to reach the same standard, stage, or level as others after you have fallen behind them (like you’re chasing someone, or with your studies)
Example: I fell behind after 1 week off from school and had to catch up.3. Carry on: continue
Example: I’m going to carry on studying IELTS till I get the score I need – I’m not giving up!4. Come across: To meet or find (something or someone) by chance.Example: On the halfway back home, I came across Tom, what a coincidence!5. Read up on: to study or learn by reading
Example: Before setting out to travel around the world, I read up on all the places I planned to visit.6. Sort out: to find a solution to (a problem, etc), esp to make clear or tidy.
Example: It took a long time to sort out the mess.7. Zone out:  fall asleep or lose concentration or consciousness.
Example: I just zoned out for a moment after such a long drive.8. Put up with: endure
Example: After graduating, I had to put up with many months of unpaid work before finally being given a permanent contract.9. Come up with: to think of, develop, or find something 
Example: They’ve tried their best to come up with a feasible solution to air pollution. 10. Look back on: Think about something that happened in the past
Example: When I look back on my childhood, I’m amazed by the crazy things we used to do11. Call off: to stop or cancel
Example: They called off the football match because of the weather forecast.

IELTS Relationships Vocabulary – Useful Phrases for Common Topics in IELTS Speaking

by | Nov 19, 2020 | Uncategorized | 1 comment


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